<div class="freedom-text"> Oh!
*With the word Free: Explained!
Free, in this context, means that a person, working within the arts, has discovered and
actively lives according to another way of life. A free artist often creates and expresses
themselves in a way that is perceived, by instilling constrictions and close-mindedness, to be
outside completely invisible or merely vaguely communicated rules and guidelines. Michael
Angle Oh! finds a free artist to be a person who is above and beyond that of which others
attempt to control within and without others. A free artist is someone who is in command of
their own response and actions, their embodiment of values, productivity, and overall image
or appearance. A free artist always strives for and seeks for solutions and a path forward,
which often leads to and through new ways and ultimately to a new stance and point of view.
By following the free artist's path a person chooses to express henself mainly through pieces
of art, and by doing so, creates the life they want and therefore chose to live.
Michael welcomes you to approach details and look inward to explore his personal and
artistic understanding of mindfulness. By doing so, this will furthermore allow visitors to
understand his eight-bit collection of free and creative artwork. Michael states the fact that
we were all born with free minds, yet since a body has been gifted to every one of us, from
time-to-time, each of us may have had a sense of feeling trapped in them. While making his
own use of his mind, Angle describes how he couldn't help but acknowledge what was
growing inside the rest of his body. Oh! joyfully acknowledges that he wouldn't have been
able to free himself from his chains and do right by his dues without the help and support
from everyone around him. He says that the feeling of gratefulness for all help and support
cannot be described by him merely in words, although maybe through his art.
"Progressive work is always Now > Recycle, Reuse, Repurpose > Respect."</div>
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